Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2004-10-11 - 5:03 p.m.

Flu shot fun.

They have it here at work. They had it last year too but opted not to tell the employees at the helpdesk until all the execs and people in other divisions had gotten their shots--and then they were out of serum, so we couldn't get them. But this year it's kind of crucial for me. So I called the health department and asked if they had them.

"Can I get one?"
"Not even if I'm in a high-risk group?"
"Not even if I'm pregnant?"
"Who are you giving them to?"
"No one."
"But you do have them?"
"What are you waiting for?"
"Further instructions."
"When might you get those?"
"No idea."
"Should I wait and see if I can get one here?"
"Definitely not, call your doctor."

So they're stockpiling it here but do not intend to administer it.

I have not found any other places that have it at all, let alone have it and are not using it.

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