Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-04 - 9:00 p.m.

The stages of boredom must of necessity include the point where you page around the Internet looking up random topics which are now or were once of interest to you.

There but for the grace of God am I.

I found a post at Mothersmagic.Net (a college friend's site) on Asatru, which is basically Norse Paganism. They have a Code of Ethics, sort of a nine-point rulebook. I thought it might be interesting to go through on a point-by-point basis. However, in the interests of brevity and also leaving myself something to do later when I have proceeded to the "A Lobotomy Sounds Good Because It Would Be More Interesting" stage of boredom, I will only discuss the first point here.

1. THE CODE IS TO HONOR: Honor yourself with truth and fairness. Your word is your bond; give your word power by adhering to it. Honor your family and friends with reverence and respect. Honor your love and the way above all else. Honor is the mark of strength and nobility.

DISCUSSION: OK, I think I'm doing pretty well on this one. Because I expect honor and honesty from others, I do everything I can to speak truly and not to promise anything I can't deliver on. If I'm unsure I'll be able to do something, I say "maybe." This all stems from the many instances where I have been promised something by someone else who failed to deliver, and then that someone else (no matter who) would fail to see why I was upset.

But I wouldn't have been upset if they had just said "maybe" and then hadn't done it.

However, no one ever gets this. Oh, well. I guess it is just one of those things that makes me different.

Till the next stage of boredom...


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