Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-05 - 6:23 p.m.

More on the Asatru Code of Ethics:

2. THE CODE IS TO PROTECT: Protect with savagery your blood and kin. Let no one or no thing violate your love and the way. Let there always be inequity in defense. Always protect thrice as fiercely as you are attacked. Protection is the mark of a warrior spirit.

Anyone can tell you I stand by my friends and family very loyally. Unless I'm betrayed. Next!

3. THE CODE IS TO FLOURISH: Prosperity and growth are key to the survival of the way. Such is the mark of intelligence.

I'm pretty stupid, then. I'm really not flourishing. I can't make enough money to live on my own, and it looks like I will soon have to.

4. THE CODE IS KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge is power. Seek ever to expand the mind. Never stagnate, for knowledge is a gift from the Gods.

Well, I've got this one down pat. Just watch me go with my computer skills!

5. THE CODE IS CHANGE: Adapting and changing are important for growth and survival. That which cannot adapt or change is doomed to perish. Change is the mark of insight.

I'm good at adapting. The only thing I wish is that I could have one constant in my life. Just one. Whether it was my job, my home, or my relationship, I don't really care, but I want something that I don't have to worry about 24/7. Maybe only 23/7? Is that too much to ask?

6. THE CODE IS FAIRNESS: Pay all debts, pull your own weight, always hear and consider all sides. Treat all others with equity and fairness. Expect the same.

I have no problem paying my debts. I have problems collecting from people who owe me debts. I wonder when my snap point is and what will happen when I reach it.

7. THE CODE IS BALANCE: Remember the Law of Balance: All that which you do or wish for, good or ill, shall return to you one day. Strive for the good.

All right, I admit, I get a bit of road rage. I do not do dangerous things, but I have been known to wish people dead from time to time. I am trying to be better. I am trying to merely say, "May the world treat you as you treat the world." That way, if they have a sudden change of heart, and become a better person, they will get their reward.

8. THE CODE IS CONTROL: Never lose control to anger or be baited by hostility. Never strike a woman unless your very life hangs in the balance. Never violate the weak or innocent. Never tolerate those who do. Control is the mark of a disciplined mind, a sign of the greatest of warriors.

OK, I don't know about you, but if a girl needs hitting, I'll hit her. Only if she's hit me first, though. Same with a boy. I don't violate the innocent. I never flip off a car with kids in it. However, I have seen parents flip me off on numerous occasions, usually when they're cutting me off in an SUV without the benefit of a turn signal.

9. THE CODE IS CONFLICT: Those who follow the way must know the art of combat, weapons, and vengeance. War is a part of the path. Always be prepared for hostility. It is a destiny woven into the fibers of our people. Keep body, mind, and training up at all times. Have no remorse in the savagery of conflict. Win, prevail, and survive.

I see this as a call to arms for myself. Not to learn more about fencing, but to learn more about conflict and success in the business world. Maybe the universe does want me to succeed!


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