Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-07-24 - 10:18 p.m.

"All of these 'what ifs' are really distracting you from your true calling. Stop wondering about everything and just start doing. Keep in mind that shreds of virtue still cling to an honest mistake. Besides, you will never know what's out there for you until you take a step outside of your safe zone. All those born under the Pisces Sun, whether alone or with loved ones, whether stationary or in motion, will soon realize what it takes to make their lives complete.

"Certain goals you set for yourself in the past are no longer applicable. Perhaps you had aspired to a certain vision of your world, and now you are realizing that this kind of dream is not where you really want to be anymore. You have done your best to achieve this way of life, and now you realize that your life can be so much more. Today's trine between Neptune and the Moon is helping you to put your wildest dreams into motion.

"Midweek might bring a little strain to your relationship with your S.O. or with friends -- are some of the kids thinking it's time for some spring cleaning? If you're getting the message that your S.O. is looking to upgrade, make sure they know just what they'll be giving up. And don't let anybody walk all over you -- decide what's right for you, not what's easiest for them to deal with."

--My Yahoo! Horoscope for today

Shocking. That is absolutely shocking.


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