Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-08-15 - 4:09 p.m.

The tar in the street starts to melt from the heat
And the sweat's running down from my hair
I walked twenty miles and I'm dragging my feet
And I'll walk twenty more--I don't care

And I'll wander this world
Wander this world all alone

I'm like a ghost some people can't see
Others just drive by and stare
A shadow that drifts by the side of the road
It's like I'm not even there

And I'll wander this world
Wander this world all alone

Well I've never been part of the game
The life that I live is my own
All that I know is that I was born
To wander this world all alone

Some people are born with their lives all laid out
And all their success is assured
Some people work hard all their lives for nothing
They take it and don't say a word
They don't say a word

Sometimes it's like I don't even exist
Even God has lost track of my soul
Why else would he leave me out here like this
To wander this world all alone?

And I'll wander this world
Wander this world all alone

--"Wander This World" by Jonny Lang


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