Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-09-05 - 10:44 p.m.

The Drive to Tampa et. seq.:

I have never seen a more beautiful sky. In Florida, we get a lot of really nifty skies, but this one was exemplary. Not only were there the requisite cumulonimbus clouds, with the sun setting behind them washing them in pink and gold, but lower, there was a horizontal haze like someone had brushed pale blue neon across the sky.

We stopped at the K-Mart in Lakeland to pick up a few necessary things like sunscreen, and then we were off again.

I guess Nick was a little bored because he started touching me and hey, I was wearing a long skirt, so I took off my underwear and the drive was a little more fun.

We got to Berlin's place by the airport in good time, but she wasn't there. It transpired that she'd gotten held up on her way home, so we hung out in the parking lot and waited for other party guests to arrive.

I spent some time cracking pistachio shells with my kickass boots.

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