Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-09-07 - 4:54 p.m.

Well, last night I dreamed I was on the US Olympic hockey team and we won. I remember thinking that would be a cool thing to tell my friends about and then I woke up and went: Damn.

Last night, Nick dreamed he and I were at the Oscars and I'd been nominated for something.

Must be something in the water.

The night before last I dreamed I was writing a play with a friend of mine. We were writing about this castle that I realized I'd been to. It was a very low, wide keep of black stone, and it alternated between being whole and ruined. Then, we were writing a screenplay and the movie was being filmed at the same time. The castle was very ominous, but it seemed extremely familiar. Oddly, James kept popping up at random moments offering script help and I kept telling him to bugger off until I wasn't so busy anymore. :)


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