Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-09-25 - 4:22 p.m.

Nick took me out for sushi on Sunday, which was a big event! We both love sushi but can so rarely afford it that I can't remember the last time we went there.

Anyway, as we were getting our miso soup appetizers, Nick went off to the bathroom and when he returned, I told him I might want to switch places with him "because there's a guy over there who just snapped at his wife and keeps looking at me."

Nick turned nonchalantly to see a fifties-ish guy with very stylish gray hair and a very expensive dark blue button-down shirt sitting with a trophy-wife-type blonde woman who had lost some of her trophy sheen.

We got even madder at the guy when he kept insulting the waitress, and then proceeded to insult the sushi chefs behind the counter by saying the batch they'd given him "just wasn't as good as the last one, you guys."

The final straw was when we were walking out. I followed Nick, and I heard Asshole Man say in a very clear, loud voice as I walked past and his eyes followed, "That girl's as big as I am!"

I didn't say anything, but I ignored him. In retrospect, I would have liked to have stopped at his table, smiled my smile-without-smiling-eyes, and said, "Would you like to take this outside?"

But I didn't. Oh well. He was an assmunch and he acted like he owned the world.

He probably drives an SUV.


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