Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2001-09-26 - 4:58 p.m.

My cousin Derek's workplace was robbed the other day by a guy with a gun. Derek is OK, though. I guess that puts an end to the theory that crime is down because of the terrorist attacks.

Derek is planning on coming down to Florida to go to Full Sail for some form of visual education. Maybe I'll get him to room with me. Living with a cousin would be better than living with someone you couldn't trust, at least.

As long as he's nice to my cat.

And that is provided Nick does not stay, of course. It's very hard to tell what he's going to do, but for now things are great, and he's being very nice and solicitous, so that is cute. I know he's got a lot on his mind and I've never been in the position of having to choose between continents so I try to cut him some slack. :)

I am very very very much looking forward to the Harry Potter film that's due to come out in November. I am hooked. I confess. I went to the book's website and took the Sorting Hat test to find out what House I'd be in. I got Gryffindor, but so did everyone else I know. I wonder if it's weighted that way so most people would get to be in Harry's House.

OK, I'm getting overly technical. Signing off for now.


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