Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-02-08 - 4:05 p.m.

Well, that's done. Today at lunch I visited The Headquarters of All Evil and returned the cable modem, cable box, network cable, and remote control. So currently I have no cable and no internet at home. I feel a bit cut off but that's actually good... it'll keep me from procrastinating tonight when what I really need to do is get the entire apartment in order.

Tomorrow is Big Truck Moving Day. I have some nice, loyal friends coming over to help me out with that. I hope to get it done in one trip. Tomorrow night I will start unpacking, help Kitty acclimate to the new place, and sleep. Sunday I will go back to the old place, give it "everything I have in the once-over department", and turn in my keys. Then comes the long, arduous process of Putting Things Away.


I will get this handled.


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