Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-06-06 - 8:57 a.m.

I have got to start getting more sleep. Whenever I have an adequate amount of sleep, I either dream about normal stuff, fun stuff, or nothing. When I am sleep-deprived, aaaagh!

See, the night before last I dreamed that Will left me. Of course, he didn't, and even on the off chance he did, he wouldn't have done it in the way he did in the dream, but it still really sucked.

And then last night, there was a whole bunch of icky stuff going on like a cat whose flesh had started to become porous and spongy in patches, like live coral or something, and I was late for work (in the dream). Then I woke up and had to get ready for work again even though I had already done that in the dream. I'm still all squicked out about that cat.

Ugh. Well, only 8.5 more hours of work today and only 11 hours tomorrow and then it's the weekend. Whew.

Megan the Red Queen

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