Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-06-10 - 9:49 a.m.

So very very sleepy. Massively sleepy. I could not rest last night but I kept shifting around. I miss Will.

My mom is visiting for a week, which is good, but that means I don't get to have Will over to sleep with me. When I get used to having someone there, I do the toss-and-turn thing for quite awhile each night before I can actually get to sleep.

On the good side, I'm getting my apartment all organized.

On the bad side, I have to spend my lunch hour at the doctor's office (once again) to get Cultures done. I heard the capital C in the doctor's voice when he told me. Now is when we stop looking for specific things and do broad-spectrum tests to see if we can figure out the source of my malady(ies). Yuck.

Megan the Red Queen

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