Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-07-02 - 9:42 a.m.

Well, last night was the meeting for my group to begin deciding how best to present the W.R.C.F. Lammas Sabbat. We're going with an ocean theme because frankly, there is very little similarity between the landscape here in Florida and that of Ireland, where the festival of the marriage of Lugh Long-spear was originally celebrated.

I asked Will, since he is playing opposite me in the ritual, if he would enjoy being "Lugh Long-spear." He snickered and took another drag off his cigarette.

Well, it should be fun. Anyone friendly to the cause in the Orlando area should come to the ceremony on Saturday, July 27th.

Today (hopefully) I will be able to get rid of that couch that's been sitting on my front porch for days. You'd think that a free hide-a-bed with a couch cover that's in really good condition would be something people would want but you would be wrong. Feh. It's been very hard to get rid of!

I just took my first Canada call. We've just started supporting some Canadian sites, and we had a bit of training on them, but at no time during the training did they say, "These people will be far more demanding and impatient with you than any of your New Jersey clients ever would be"!

Megan the Red Queen

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