Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-07-12 - 9:56 a.m.

CLIENT: Yeah, I need to know if this is the right number to reset my password.

ME: Well, there are hundreds of different types of passwords in use at the corporation, so right now the answer is "maybe." What kind of password do you need to have reset?

CLIENT: (name of program).

ME: All right, so your (type of password used to open program) password then?

CLIENT: No, my (name of program) password.

ME: OK, are you logging into the program or into the website?

CLIENT: (utter panic in voice) Oh, God, I must have the wrong number. I just need to reset my password. (tries to hang up)

ME: (quickly) Well, HR people use the program and most everyone else uses the website.

(silence, during which I realize this client does not know what a "website" is)

ME: Does it come up in Netscape or Internet Explorer when you try to run it?

CLIENT: Oh. Oh, yeah.

ME: OK, you'd use your (type of password used to open program) password for that, which for most people at most sites is the one you use for logging onto the computer or email.

CLIENT: OK, I'll try that. (hangs up)

Megan the Red Queen

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