Diary of the Red Queen, Mama & Lunatic

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2002-10-23 - 11:59 a.m.

Today I am making an effort to be not quite as much of a cultural cretin as I might otherwise be mistaken for.

I am taking Will to see the traveling production of Rent, which is at the Bob Carr downtown. It will be the first time I've visited that venue since I was working for that pinnacle of mediocrity, the Orlando Opera.

I attempted to see Rent on Broadway in December of 1999, when I stood outside on the sidewalk and froze with my date, Matt, waiting for the $20 ticket lottery. We didn't get tickets, and couldn't afford "real" seats, so we went somewhere else instead. I forget, that might have been the night we walked back down to Greenwich Village to see Woody Allen's Celebrity. Incidentally, that night I had also gotten my ear pierced a second time (my first non-gun piercing) and could not wear my earmuffs because of the pain so I was really really cold!

But I am going to see the show tonight, darn it!

Two nights ago, as I was having a bath and Will was cooking us dinner (because he is a sweetie), the power went off. The lights had been dim in my apartment all night but suddenly all the power was off all over the apartment complex. It was only out for about ten minutes but the darkness in the bathroom was nearly palpable. Will kindly brought in a big candle for me, but then I mistakenly brought up Signs. Heh.

Megan the Red Queen

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